
Kybella | Long Island

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KYBELLA® is an injectable product that dissolves fat from the chin and neck. Typically, two to four treatment sessions are necessary and the results are permanent.

KYBELLA® is the only injectable product that can both contour and improve your chin line by reducing the fat where your chin connects with your neck. This injectable helps to eliminate “submental fullness,” which some of our patients refer to as a double chin. Our team of qualified doctors will customize the KYBELLA® treatment for you based on your individual aesthetic needs and goals. Once your ideal chin line is achieved with this injectable, you will likely not need re-treatment.

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The Significance of Beauty

Beauty is not only a central source of joy. It also possesses a great significance for the development of personality, especially in a moral sense.

Genuine beauty liberates us in many ways from the force of gravity, drawing us out of the dull captivity of daily life.

"At the sight of beauty the soul grows wings." - Plato